Thursday 10 January 2013

Essential Oils


What are Pure Essential Oils?

Essential Oils are potent therapeutic components used for its medicinal values since 3500 BC by the Egyptians. Throughout the years history has recorded the usage of these wonderful oils in aromatics, incense and ointments. Today we see pure essentials used in aromatherapy, massage, emotional health, household solutions and personal care.

Most essential oils are produced through the process of distillation where water is heated and steam passes through the plant material that vaporizes, into valuable compounds. Following distillation, essential oil is physically separated from the water phase. Some oils are produced through mechanical process such as for orange and lemon rind. There are oils, which are produced using absolutes because of the delicate texture of certain flowers like Jasmine.  Different parts of the world are famous for the oils that they produce, we know that high quality tea tree oil comes from Australia and the Queen of all oils, Rose is the best from Turkey. The soil and the climate of the country determine the quality of the flowers and plants that are distilled to produce these lovely oils.

It is really important to know that only pure essential oils carry therapeutic properties, as these oils are potent they must be diluted in proper quantities before applying to skin. The general rule of thumb is to use 3 drops of essential oil with 15ml of carrier oil. This is can be lowered to 1 drop in 10ml of carrier oils when using for young children. Carrier oils that are used must be cold pressed to maximise the usage of essential oils. Examples of carrier oils are sweet almond, jojoba, calendula and many more beautiful oils. Some citrus oils are photosensitive, meaning they react to sunlight. So stay out from direct sunlight if you have orange or lemon oil on your skin (great for combating cellulite and stretch marks)

Do beware of pre-blended essential oils; there is abundance of them in the market. There is nothing wrong with these oils but if you are paying a certain amount of money it is wise to make sure there is value to your spending. Most aromatherapy guidelines will always advise you to blend your oils as and when you need them. Oils that are pre-blended unless stated massage oils would have lost its potency after 2 weeks. If you just plan to use them as fragrance oil then it fits the function, otherwise choose carefully when purchasing your essential oils.

So how do you know whether you are buying pure essential oils? First look at the price tag, sadly in the world of essential oils price does make a difference. 10 to 15ml of pure Lavender oil will averagely fall in the price range of RM40 to RM100 so this is a great guide to determine the authenticity of the oils that you are choosing to buy. Reputable brands will impose a heavier price tag, as you will be paying for the branding as well. The price of a 10ml pure Rose essential oil is RM1800 to RM2000.  There is great scarcity of this luxurious oil in the world at the moment. One needs thousands and thousand of rose petal to produce this glorious oil. So if you do see a bottle of pure Rose oil going for RM50, rest assure that is just rose scented oil, perhaps you can use it to deodorise your rest rooms.

Look at the packaging, all pure oils must come in amber glass bottles because of the potency of the oils plastic cannot house pure essential oils. Let your nose decide, pure essential oils are lovely in their scent tones. Some have high tones such as citrus oil, middle tones for Lavender and base tones for oils like Sandalwood. This is where the world of perfumery meets when oils are combined to produce your perfect suiting scent.

Pure essential oils are a must in your first aid kit. It helps with headaches, tummy cramps, acne, bites, cuts and to put your mind and body at rest. So get your set of your pure essential oil today from My Favourite Natural Products  or follow us on Facebook for updates and information.

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